Making Friends

How To Help A Child With Anxiety Make New Friends

Kids together in an article on how to help a child with anxiety make friends.

Making friends is an essential part of growing up. It gives kids the opportunity to develop social skills, empathy, and a sense of community. Friendships also contribute significantly to a child’s emotional well-being and their self confidence. However, for children struggling with anxiety, the process of forming new friendships can be fraught with challenges.  This

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Is Your Fear Of Not Having Friends Causing You To Be More Of A People Pleaser?

Kids in a selfie in an article on people pleasing and ADHD by Caroline Maguire.

Does loneliness and fear of rejection cause adults and teenagers with ADHD to fall into people pleasing? Sadly, often the answer is yes. For many of us with ADHD, years of rejection, friendship struggles and generally feeling lonely or misunderstood often impacts how we approach making new friends.  We worry about things like: Should I

Is Your Fear Of Not Having Friends Causing You To Be More Of A People Pleaser? Read More »

Help Your Kid Reframe Their Love-Hate Relationship with Being Social

Picture of mom and teen in an article on love-hate relationship with being social and making friends.

Alex*, a high school junior, has given up on making friends. “School is stressful enough”, she says. Instead of participating in after-school clubs and activities, she spends the evenings with her headphones on, listening to music while gaming or doing homework.  This love-hate relationship with being social started early. In the past, when she’d make

Help Your Kid Reframe Their Love-Hate Relationship with Being Social Read More »

ADHD & Friendships… Why It’s So Hard For Some Kids To Make Life-Long Friends

5 kids outside in an article on adhd and friendship.

As a parent, watching your ADHD kid from the sidelines, you know all-too-well how often your child is rejected, socially awkward and challenging with their friends. ADHD and friendships have a dicey relationship at best and if your kid is the one on the playground who is turned away from, or not invited over to

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What To Do When You’re Trying To Make Friends & Your Social Battery Hits Overwhelm And Shutdown

Making friends when your social battery is overwhelmed and depleated.

For some people with ADHD, being social fills up their battery. Yet, for others, it drains them of their energy. But the truth is that for almost everyone, reading social cues, trying to pay attention to conversations, coping with sensory bombardment and managing situations that are taxing on your brain are exhausting.   When someone wants

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Should I Ban My Teen From Seeing “Bad” Friends?

Banning friends and forbidding your ADHD teen from seeing people that you don’t like won’t work. Having a focused, collaborative conversation about your teen’s thoughts on friendship will. Q: “My teenager is having a rocky time with friendships. Lately, she is choosing questionable friends. These ‘friends’ are not treating her well, and, because of their influence,

Should I Ban My Teen From Seeing “Bad” Friends? Read More »

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