
How to Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care


A BIG shout out to those of you who answered my survey. Of particular note, it is apparent that many of you are exhausted and not practicing self-care. I am therefore dedicating this blog and newsletter to How to Practice Self-Care and Mindfulness in times of stress. I personally find the exercises below to be […]

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Help Kids Learn Basic Social Skills During the First Weeks of In-Person School

It’s been about three weeks since our children returned to school buildings. How is the new normal treating your family? For most, this is the first time since schools closed in March 2020 that our children have had a full-time, in-person schedule. Do you need to support your child as they re-learn basic social skills?

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Introducing “How To SEL” – Everyday Child and Family Social Emotional Coaching

Introducing “How To SEL” – Everyday Child and Family Social Emotional Coaching Joint Venture By leading SEL experts Caroline Maguire, M. Ed., and Scarlett Lewis Newtown, CT (April 12, 2021) – The Choose Love Movement, a non-profit SEL organization, in partnership with Caroline Maguire, parenting and SEL expert, announced today the release of How To SEL, an innovative

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Olympics Themed Social Emotional Learning Activities

Olympics Social Emotional Learning Activities

Who isn’t mesmerized by the athleticism, leadership and character of the Olympic athletes? Young children picture themselves on these mats, fields and courts, so don’t miss the opportunity to use the Olympics to create social skills learning activities this summer. Join the millions (billions?) of parents who are focusing on helping kids to re-engage with

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Why We Need Social Emotional Learning Now More Than Ever

Social Emotional Learning

The Importance of Character, Integrity and Happiness With the hope vaccines bring, we must now pull ourselves out from our cozy nests, pods and intimate social bubbles. We need to not only make new friends but also to repair what has been damaged during the pandemic. Most of us agree that it is more important

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Essential Guide to Transitioning to Social Interactions – Post COVID

social interactions

Social isolation was not easy at first. We weren’t prepared for it. Now, one year later, we’ve grown accustomed to a lack of physical human interaction. I have heard from people all over the world, distressed that they are unable to meet people every day, to interact and to have mundane conversations. But NOW I

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Social Emotional Needs of Children

Children often struggle with social emotional skills. Social skills can be learned at any age, but it may develop slowly. Stay patient. Parents need to stay in tune of their child’s specific social emotional needs and help shape a strong framework for social-emotional health. I believe that children need peers of the same intellectual, emotional

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