Social & Emotional Development Training For Schools & Orgs
Fewer than 1 in 4 teachers report social skills training is implemented in their school. The path forward is clear, SEL implementation on a programmatic, schoolwide and districtwide basis is needed.
Please download my free worksheet: Educators: How to Use Why Will No One Play with Me? in group or classroom settings. The activities and scripts that I think are relevant to you are outlined and the pages to learn more from the book are included.
I offer deeper content in the Educator Bundle.
I want to make sure my content is relevant to you. I would be so indebted if you would share your experiences on how social skills are affecting you in my Survey for Educators.
The Pandemic’s Effect on Social and Emotional Development
No one can dismiss the impact COVID has had on all of us, especially our children. Calling it a missed year is an understatement.
The pandemic has changed the way we see the world. Our children will be dictating how society, economy and democracy evolves. The skills that are built today will be the ones employed and taught to the following generation. The next generation of parents and leaders must create a learning structure that includes knowledge, empathy, resilience, appreciation of diversity, and civic dispositions to innovate through times of crisis.
Most of us agree that it is more important for a child to develop good character, integrity, and find happiness than it is to get good grades, a good job, or to be accepted into a good college.
Social and Emotional Development Must be Addressed
Of course academics are critical, yet we shortchange our children when we discount the importance of social connection. Kids of every age get a lot of value from personal interactions – it’s a key part of growing up.
Most children and teenagers – especially those with learning differences and executive function challenges – do not receive the social skills supports they need at school.

Reinforce, Model and Bridge
School-to-Home SEL Strategies
Help Parents With Their Social Questions
The go-to resource to understand everything professionals know.
- Open lines of communication and get kids to reduce resistance, open up, listen and collaborate
- Observe and recognize signs of change or distress
- Guide a child or teen to observe their own behavior and understand social cues
- Move friendship dynamics forward in loving and adaptive ways
- Promote self-advocacy, independence and troubleshooting
- Help kids manage disappointment and emotions, self-regulate and develop empathy
- Avoid imposing pressure or your values and goals; know when to push and when to let go
Educator Products
Dear Educators: These recommendations have been specifically curated for you. Please feel free to browse these – and many other products – in our Store
Educators Only: Free Download

Do you receive long emails written by parents in pain? This worksheet offers recommendations for the social emotional concerns they have been asking you. Please ask for it via my contact page. Thank you!
We Know You Don't Have The Emotional Bandwidth For ONE MORE THING..
… and then again, is anything else really more essential than developing the social and emotional competence of today’s learners and tomorrow’s leaders?
So We Created “How-To-SEL”
Delivered in themed groupings of professionally-developed, 10-minute-or-less video tutorials, the How To SEL series offers a convenient platform for educators to learn from, model and engage with social learning experts at their own pace and convenience.
The videos show SEL and parenting expert Caroline Maguire, author of “Why Will No One Play With Me?” actually coaching elementary and middle school-aged children through discussions, activities, or both, offering educators the opportunity to recognize real life SEL instruction opportunities and model or adapt the responses that lead to their desired outcomes….
Praise for Caroline Maguire
Educators Articles

The One Teacher That Made a Difference
Kids will have so many different teachers throughout their young academic years — all with different teaching styles and different ways they relate to each child. Some will be in

How Can I Get Through To My Kid That He Has To Stop Arguing With His Teachers
Taking other people’s perspective and understanding that other people have an inner emotional life and being able to detect that point of view is known as Theory of Mind. When someone has Theory of Mind it means they can detect the perspective, emotions and understand what motivates others….

Madame Ruggles
Kids will have so many different teachers throughout their young academic years – all with different teaching styles, different ways they relate to each child, some in their first years of teaching, some growing close to retirement, some good, and some bad. But we’ve all heard the stories about the one teacher that made a difference, and they may not have even known it.