“Even in this pandemic age, it’s hard to find resources that clearly explain SEL's benefits, much less teach strategies to deliver SEL in the classroom, in our homes and in the community”

SEL Competencies

How do SEL Core Competencies Apply to Children?

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) encompasses the core competencies of emotional intelligence and relationship-building skills. It is how all humans acquire and use skills, knowledge and experiences to manage emotions, self-motivate, empathize, make good decisions and foster positive relationships.

Image courtesy of chooselovemovement.org
Image courtesy of CASEL.org

We are not born with these skills and behaviors, but they can be learned and nurtured to influence positive changes that are almost immediately recognizable.

Among the critical SEL skills the Collaborative for Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) research shows that SEL programming can have positive impacts on school climate by enhancing academic, emotional, and social benefits for students. In addition, SEL is a critical factor to life-long success as it is a critical component of employment stability.

Now is The Time for Reflection and Resetting

The pandemic has changed the way we see the world, now and in the future. Our children will be dictating how society, economy and democracy evolves. The skills that are built today will be the ones employed and taught to the following generation.

Caroline Maguire’s Unique “HOW TO” Approach to SEL Core Competencies

Although inclusion of SEL competencies has become popular recently, they have actually been implemented by organic, homegrown methods for decades by many educators and parents around the world.

My unique approach will SHOW YOU “HOW TO” navigate stress, anxiety, isolation, lack of motivation and a host of other challenges - on all 3 legs of the SEL stool:
School – Home – Community

Caroline’s SEL instructions have been created and refined for more than a decade.

The materials include the latest mindfulness, cognitive behavioral theory, and neuroscience research and techniques to empower students with the skills of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.

adult social skills

Help anyone understand everyone

Provide easy-to-implement, no prep SEL instruction

Bridge the gap between school, home and community

Link learning, kindness, knowledge, empathy, resilience, appreciation of diversity, civic disposition and responsible decision making to the real world

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Does Making New Friends Make You Anxious? Here’s How To Make Small Talk So It’s A Little Easier For You (Or Your Child)

For many adults, teenagers and tweens, making small talk can feel nothing short of torture. Unsure of what questions to ask to keep a conversation ...
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Caroline Maguire family 2023 in article on how to manage your emotions over the holidays.

10 Tips to Manage Your Emotions & Communicate Better This Holiday Season

As we approach the holiday season, everyone has a list of expectations about how it will go. “Last year was a disaster when Uncle XX ...
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Woman talking to a man in an article by Caroline Maguire on infodumping vs oversharing.

Infodumping vs. Oversharing: Understanding the Difference

In the neurodivergent community, communication styles can vary greatly, often leading to unique expressions such as infodumping. While infodumping and oversharing may seem similar at ...
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