PreGame – Caroline Maguire, M.Ed.

For many people, being social is stressful. As much as you want to have friends and meet new people, the idea of being around others causes stress and can make you worry about everything from being judged, to making a mistake or worse.

It’s enough to cause even a brave person to want to stay at home!

I have worked on a plan for myself, friends and clients who want to be social, but need a little something extra to make it work. I call it, the “pregame”!

Today my secret sauce for feeling “ready” and “prepared” for social events is yours.

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Enter your email to the right, the worksheets will be sent directly to you.

My hope is that these tools will help you to feel prepared when you need (or want) to be social. The PreGame is your plan for preparing.

Use the guidance to help you create the right plan for your own needs so you are able to feel safe, comfortable and capable of being social whenever, and wherever, you choose to be.

If there is anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can email me your questions and thoughts at

Wishing you well!

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