How To Make Small Talk & Chit Chat

Hello! I’m so glad you found your way to this landing page and my free gift.

As a person with ADHD myself, I have tried many things to feel more comfortable chatting with strangers, not always to the greatest results. When I noticed how often my clients and readers bring this topic up, I decided to work on a solution that works for us all.

Chit chat and small talk are both important on the journey to make a new friend, so in this worksheet you will find:

  • a super easy reminder for how small talk can work so it’s less stressful on your nervous system
  • strategies for what to talk about when you have to interact with strangers
  • how to follow small talk so you see the signs for where your chat is going
  • how to know your chit chat is ending
  • and more!

This tool is meant to be neurodivergent friendly and will help you learn how to chat with people to fit your interests and want to connect with you, just as you are.

Wishing you well!

P.S. Feel free to email me with questions at
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