Help Your Child Build Social Executive Function

Hello! I’m delighted you joined me here! You can download my free gift “Demystify Making Friends” right here. green, arrow, right-2304007.jpg

In this worksheet you will learn to spot the activities, environments and strengths that make the friendship building phase easier for you and your life. 

This includes:

  • your strengths
  • places where you’re more likely to connect with others
  • places where you’re less likely to connect with others
  • high interest activities
  • how to make plans
  • and more!

The 85+ year long Harvard Happiness Study reminds us that friends and meaningful connection are one of the pillars of a happy life.

This tool is meant to be neurodivergent friendly and will help you learn how to meet people to fit your interests and want to be friends with you, just as you are.

Wishing you well!

P.S. Feel free to email me with questions at
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