Green Light Friendship Signals

If you have struggled to make friends, this free gift is for you. Download my complimentary guide on “Green Light Friendship Signals” right here. green, arrow, right-2304007.jpg

In this worksheet you will learn to spot the activities and signs that a true friend gives off when they want to spend more time with you and become even closer.

This includes:

  • how they show their interest in you
  • how you feel when you’re together
  • how mutual the relationship is
  • how important you are becoming to your new friend
  • and more!

As a neurodivergent person, making friends may not have always been easy for you, but it’s so important to keep trying to find people who are the right fit for you. Friendship is a key ingredient in a happy life and I want to help you crack the code on this challenge once and for all.

This tool is meant to be neurodivergent friendly and will help you learn how to meet people to fit your interests and want to be friends with you, just as you are.

Wishing you well!

P.S. Feel free to email me with questions at
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