While most may agree and understand that education is everyone’s responsibility, Maguire understands that not everyone may know how to educate. This is especially true in the area of social skills and the ability to establish healthy, caring relationships. In a webinar provided for our schools entitled, “Coaching Social Skills: Parents and Teachers with a Game Plan”, Maguire provides concrete examples on how schools and home can work together to support children in learning how to engage successfully in the world.
You did provide this training which was available to 220 independent charters in the LAUSD SELPA with approximately 110,000 students enrolled and approximately 12,000 students with disabilities. During the pandemic trainings were not provided in person and we did not do a very good job of collecting feedback, for this I am sorry. Many schools were struggling with a variety of factors in transitioning back to in person learning. I hope to continue to share your work and information and do a better job (as we did before) with collecting feedback.